In Los Roques at the Posada Gremary Amanda and I met a very kind couple named Elizabeth and Octavio and they invited us to stay with their family at their home in Isla Margarita. His mother, Carmen, has a beautiful estate and they said she'll also be hosting their two sons who arrive within minutes of our flight.
Believing it is more interesting and rich to see the country through the eyes of the locals, we quickly jumped at the opportunity.
We arrived at the airport and were greeted by a family friend, we picked up the boys, and we headed to Villa Carmen for four blissful days of beach romping, mangrove sailing, desert walking, and areipa eating.
On our last night Elizabeth and Octavio returned to Margarita to a home filled with two dozen of their friends and family and a hearty rumba (aka: party). On Thursday we were distressed to have to leave the fun and luxury, but we left Venezuela with a new foreign family and a greater understanding of the beauty of South America and the Caribbean.
We returned to Caracas on our way to the extreme adventure town of Merida.
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